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PESAN IKLIM DARI GLASGOW: High Call for Urgency: Green Economy
PESAN IKLIM DARI GLASGOW: High Call for Urgency: Green Economy - KEMENTERIAN LHK
Pesan Iklim dari Glasgow : Indonesia's Leadership in Climate Change
Alok Sharma: Why COP26 is our best chance for a greener future | TED
Speed Bumps on The Road to Decarbonization - Highlights of JP Morgan's report on NetZero Options
43rd TB Macaulay Lecture - Outrage and optimism in the face of the #ClimateCrisis
What If We Smashed Mercury Into Mars? (And Other Questions) | Lightning Round
bp Statistical Review of World Energy 2021
#Youth4ClimateLive Series: Driving Ambition
Engaging the Public on Climate Change: Climate Outreach TRAINING - Scottish Communities CAN
How Eco-Activists Want to Save the Planet
Global launch event | 2021 Lancet Countdown on health and climate change